[X] Plan Gratuitous Dispelling -[X] Order more of the Heralds to attack Anu-Simung. If possible, the remains of any that are destroyed will be recovered after the battle and restored to full function at the earliest opportunity. -[X] Viserys Blood Wishes a Drain Construct spell on Anu-Simung (DC 26 Will save to negate) as a Swift Action, then casts a Blood Wind spell as soon as he is within range, first attacking Chained Spirits until they are destroyed, then turning the remainder of his attacks against Anu-Simung himself. -[X] Amrelath casts a Blood Wind spell as soon as he is within range of Anu-Simung, first attacking Chained Spirits until they are destroyed, then turning the remainder of his attacks against Anu-Simung himself. -[X] Richard activates his Fleet Charge Mythic power to close the distance between him and Anu-Simung and to make an enhanced attack against the nearest Chained Spirit (+45 attack bonus, 7d6 + 30; 17-20/x2), then makes a Full Attack (+43/+43/+38/+33/+28, 7d6 + 30; 17-20/x2) against it, spends another Mythic power to activate his Greater Insightful Strike maneuver to attack another Chained Spirit (+43, 70+2d20 damage), then uses all three charges from his belt to gain another Full-Round Action to either attack another Chained Spirit, or Anu-Simung himself if the spirits have been destroyed or none are near enough to attack immediately. If no Chained Spirits remain by the time Richard closes to melee range, he instead directs all of his attacks at Anu-Simung. -[X] Lya uses Wild Arcana to cast a Clenched Fist spell (+38 attack bonus, 29th caster level to overcome SR), directing it to either punch Anu-Simung before it can make another attack or Bull Rush him, depending on what would be most advantageous at the time. She uses her Ring of Spell-Battle and Battlemagic Perception spell as necessary. -[X] Dany uses Inspired Spell to hit Anu-Simung with a Chain Dispel (+21 bonus to Dispel checks, roll twice and take the higher result) targeting him and every piece of magical gear he is wearing. She uses her Ring of Spell-Battle and Battlemagic Perception spell as necessary. -[X] Vee uses a Targeted Greater Dispel Magic (+20 bonus to Dispel checks) against Anu-Simung. If Dany's spell was successful, she either targets his armor or hammer, depending on what hasn't been suppressed. If they have also been suppressed, she refrains from casting, instead acting to Counterspell anything he or his Chained Spirits try to cast. She uses her Ring of Spell-Battle as necessary. -[X] Tyene uses a Quickened Targeted Greater Dispel Magic (+20 bonus to Dispel checks) against Anu-Simung's armor, then casts another Targeted Greater Dispel, targeting either the armor again if her first spell was ineffective, or switching instead to his hammer. If Dany's spell was successful against the armor, she instead hammer. If they have both been suppressed, she refrains from casting, instead acting to Counterspell anything he or his Chained Spirits try to cast.