[X] Kill him at once, the lines will hold -[X] Dany will target him with a Dimensional Lock using Inspired Spell, while Viserys targets him with a Maximized Shadow of the Doom, and Lya and Tyene both target him with Sunburst spells. They all use Assay Spell Resistance. If the Rat King is destroyed, they will all reorient and move to destroy the Devouring Mists as quickly as possible, primarily using Sunburst spells where possible. -[X] Nirah joins the battle, Teleporting himself, Yrael, and the four Guardian Nagas who had been with the Reserve forces. He will prepare to help blunt the attack from the remaining Undead and the Devouring Mist, along with the Heralds, Fiery Dragonbeasts, and Plant servitors who have not yet used their Sunburst SLAs. --[X] Plant servitors will also use their Entangle SLAs to hinder and trap the approaching Undead. If the Devouring Mists are indeed physically linked to their corporeal fellows, slowing their advance will affect the Mists as well and give our forces more time to eliminate them.