[X] Focus on the altar, it is of a piece with the Power that drives your foes -[X] Call the Companions to our position if they are not currently engaged in combat and implore Zathir and Nirah to come to our aid if they are able. Once gathered, everyone will determine how to best pool their powers to safely destroy the altar. --[X] If any Time Ghosts approach within 130 feet of her position, Teana will attempt to catch one or more by duplicating an Enlarged Forcecage, rendered 100% real by using two charges from her Ring of Mystic Shadows. -[X] The Moonchasers, Wyverns, Heralds, Forge Servitors, and mages with Long-range attack options remaining (bombs, Fireballs, Sunburst, etc) will concentrate their fire on the remaining Greater Undead, especially the Chained Spirits linked to the altar.