[X] Scouting Party -[X] The scouts will consist of all three of Teana's Shadow-Traces, plus 2d4+4 Jannis Summoned by Vee casting Summon Nature's Ally VI twice after activating her Bead of Karma (raising her caster level to 21st and the duration of her Summoned Jannis to 42 rounds, or 4 minutes and 12 seconds). Viserys will use Wild Arcana to cast Etherealness on the Shadow-Traces prior to Vee's Summoning. --[X] As soon as the Janni are Summoned so their limited duration is not wasted, Viserys will use Miracle to place a Greater Hide from Undead (DC 33 Will save vs Intelligent Undead) spell on them and the Shadow-Traces, while Tyene casts Wind Walk on all of them to grant 60 mph flight speed. ---[X] The Jannis will render themselves Invisible, Small-sized, and Ethereal, and accompany the Shadow-Traces to explore the catacombs, especially the areas nearest to the Charnel Colossus. The Shadow-Traces will allow the Janni to do most of the scouting, Telepathically relaying what the Janni discover back to them, who will in turn relay it to Teana. They will scout in this manner until the Janni's duration expires, then the Shadow-Traces will be directed how to proceed based on what has been learned so far.