[X] Not to assuage just one desperate hope, but all of them. A chance for life for the people of Mardosh, and a place to redeem themselves as well as save not only themselves, but the entire world, battling the forces of the Long Night. It will be a war unlike any other, a war to the knife and a desperate defense against the Utterdark.
-[X] Though there is fear to be had still in the eyes of madness, you hope that managing to cooperate together with Sathar and perhaps others of Sarnor who are still not lost to the throes of despair and hatred, casting down those too far gone to be brought back from the brink, will assure him and his soldiers that he fights for a worthy cause, not empty promises or sweet lies too easily overturned.
--[X] You believe that the Void already has a foothold in these lands already. That simply means that redemption can start now. There's no better time for it, in fact.