[X] Perform a series of divinations, using Divination and Augury spells augmented by Dragonbone Divinations Sticks and the Hallucinogenic Smoke spell for maximum effect, to determine the likely response should we approach Mardosh directly as a prospective ally, accompanied as we are by a diplomat from Sathar. -[X] Unless the predicted outcome is generally positive, we will first carefully scout the city from the air before approaching. Viserys will place a Superior Invisibility spell on each of Teana's three Shadow-Trace duplicates using spell scrolls and Greater Hide from Undead using Wild Arcana (DC 27 Will save to bypass). Tyene will cast Wind Walk on them. --[X] One of the Shadow-Traces will be Imbued with Ears of the City and Divine Insight spells by Dany, and an Air of Nobility spell will be cast on it by Teana. Before its Superior Invisibility spell can elapse, it will attempt to find a location within the city to hunker down and activate its Ears of the City spell, along with Divine Insight to further boost its Diplomacy check, on the off chance that some of the Undead inhabitants are interacting with one another enough to make the spell useful. --[X] Obscured by the Superior Invisibility and Greater Hide from Undead spells, and capable of flying at up to 60 mph thanks to Wind Walk, the three Shadow-Traces will overfly the city while carefully maintaining enough altitude to avoid being spotted by watchers blessed with True Seeing (120 feet). They will remain in mental contact with Teana, relaying anything of interest which they see and accepting instructions from us through her. ---[X] We will be primarily seeking out unusual concentrations of Undead and important locations which might be centers of government, to use the term loosely, temples, etc.