[X] Perform a minor action -[X] Empower the Herald for the Ferryman (AdvancedGiantDivineCleric CreatureDireSea Cat[+15 Racial Hit Dice](CR 20) -[X] Sacrifice 1 Hishandura (18 HD, 15 CR), 1 Meladaemon (14 HD, 11 CR), 9 Sire Devils (8 HD, 7 CR), 1 Judgment Devil (12 HD, CR 13), 3 Desert Devils (8 HD, CR 6) -[X] Total CR: ~18, total HD: 124 -[X] Price for the base creature Sea Cat (CR 15): 28,800 IM -[X] If the same deal as with the Herald of Yss (fully under our command as far as assignments are concerned) can't be secured, attempt to at least secure assurance of support in case any of our cities are attacked.