[X] To go against the rites of any religion so long as it does not being harm to others or to the realm would be and egregious act on the part of the crown on matter what the rites in question are
[X] Point out that there are rules governing the work of courtesans in our realm, just as much as there are any other profession, and they are intended for the benefit of all involved. So long as the courtesans are respected, treated well, and paid a fair wage, what does it matter if those who profit are sorcerers, priests, or even the gods themselves? -[X] Explain that in Sorcerer's Deep, and indeed the entire realm, worship is allowed for any god we have determined to not be a threat to humanity. If the followers of a god choose to worship in a manner which harms none, and their god accepts it, perhaps even chooses to empower those worshipers, who are we to tell them they are wrong?
[X] Point out that there are rules governing the work of courtesans just as much as any profession in Sorcerer's Deep and your whole realm, For the benefit of all involved. So long as they are respected what does it matter if those who profit are sorcerers priests or gods?
-[X] Explain that in Sorcerer's Deep, and indeed the entire realm, worship is allowed for any god we have determined to not be a threat to humanity and whose worship doesn't directly break imperial law. If the followers of a god choose to worship in a manner that harms no one, and their god accepts it, perhaps even chooses to empower those worshipers, who are we to tell them they are wrong? -[x] You would judge ACTUAL GODS for choosing who or how to grant their power? especially considering that any such thing is heavily regulated by the law of the realm. Most priests I know would consider that blasphemy.