[X] Arrange a clandestine meeting, something both tempting and urgent. -[X] News can filter through the Keep of the poisoning in greater detail, and it can slip through that the Lord of the Tides is trying to figure out a way to protect himself against it by contacts from the East. --[X] Monford is usually accompanied by escort when he leaves the Keep and not far from protection while within it besides, but in light of this new threat suddenly developing a bout of short-term paranoia until he is protected against assassination seems a reasonable assumption, skipping meals and ordering the maids not to prepare his clothes might help sell the story better. Under the cover of darkness "he" will leave the Keep with his "wife" and "son" under woolen cloaks, presumably to perform a "switch" and become out of their reach, but still able to keep up the facade that they are in command of the Keep remotely.