[X] Set out to investigate at once -[X] In addition to the guards already on the scene, Viserys, Richard, Dany, Xor, Valaena, and two Mind Dragons will take part in the investigation. Unfortunately, Dawnfyre will need to remain behind for this mission. -[X] Allow Monford to return to Driftmark for now, but ask that his wife and son remain in the Opaline Vault until this matter is resolved. --[X] In addition to his normal guards (Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat, AdvancedSorcerer CreatureSnapdragon Leshy, Black Champion, Erinyes), one of the Mind Dragons accompanying us on the mission will also remain by his side while we investigate. --[X] For the duration of the investigation, Kyseth the Fury will be loaned one of our Circlets of Perceive Betrayal to wear. While its ability to detect traitors is not fool proof, it will add yet another layer of protection for the time being.