[X] Plan KISE: Keep It Simple, Elinor -[X] Shortly after she was taken by the mountain clan raiders, Elinor's magic awakened and she made contact with the Old Gods. Through them, she was able to summon her familiars, intelligent Plant creatures whose powers helped her escape and survive in the wilderness. --[X] Rather than return home after her ordeal, Elinor instead chose to travel in search of greater understanding of the Old Gods and to make sense of the strangeness of the world she had found herself in. She eventually ended up in Sorcerer's Deep, where she studied magic and other mysteries. ---[X] Although she had made a new life for herself, Elinor eventually yearned to return home and see her family, and perhaps even use her newfound skills and knowledge to aid them in these trying times. With that goal in mind, she paid a mage to quickly transport her home rather than travel by ship and steed through uncertain waters and over unfriendly lands. -[X] Make it clear to Elinor that should she wish to study formal magic in truth, a spot will be waiting for her in the Scholarium when her mission is complete, along with a generous stipend. She will also be able to keep everything she was assigned for her mission, except for the Plant servitors, of course. -[X] To aid Elinor in her task, we will assign her the following: --[X] Wealth: 500 IM in various coinage --[X] Spell Effect: A Permanent Channel Vigor spell will be applied to Elinor to further enhance her capabilities, and the Renewal Pact and Stalwart Pact spells placed on her for increased safety. --[X] Equipment: Amulet of Tears (w/Protection from Evil), Anklets of Translocation, Cloak of Hedge Wizard (Conjuration), Earrings of Arcane Acuity (w/+2 Charisma & +5 Competence bonus to Use Magic Device checks), Gloves of Object Reading, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Handy Haversack, Inquisitor's Monocle, Mind Blank Ring (Shadowforged), Muleback Cords, Ribbon of Disguise, Ring of Sandform, Ring of Sustenance (Slotless), Single-Use Charms (Plane Shift charm, Teleport Charm, x2 Sending Stones), Vial of Efficacious Medicine, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (x2), Weapons (Adamantine Dagger, Double Crossbow) --[X] Spell Scrolls: Cure Light Wounds (x20), Divine Insight (x10), Healer's Vision (x5), Invisibility (x5), Mirror Image (x2), Panacea (x5), Rope Trick (x3) --[X] Constructs: Greater Three-Eyed Raven (x1) and Lesser Three-Eyed Ravens (x3) to act as unseen eyes and ears, and unobtrusive messengers should she need them. --[X] Alchemical Items: Antiplague (x30), Antitoxin (x30), Fungal Stun Vial (x10), Healing Salve (x100), Healy Myrrh (x20), Sleep-Smoke (x10) --[X] Plant servitors to act as her familiars: ---[X] Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD) ---[X] Verdant Raven [AdvancedPlant-ImbuedGiant Raven (w/+4 Racial HD)] (CR 6, 6 HD) ---[X] 10 Verdant Kingfishers (CR 2, 2 HD) -[X] Viserys will Imbue Elinor with Divine Insight and Voice of the Dragon spells she can activate as needed to help sell her story, along with an Extended Persisted Greater Heroism spell Dreamcast by Dany which will last for 48 hours. Combined with the +6 Competence bonus to Bluff checks from her Channel Vigor buff, Elinor will have a +35 bonus to her Bluff skill in addition to any skill ranks or Charisma bonuses she may benefit from.