[X] Meet with Lord Hightower first as a courtesy to his being Lord of the city. -[X] There are a few matters to discuss: --[X] Firstly: You have some idea of how to improve the city's defenses but they require significant, covert modifications to the catacombs and sewer passages, which might end up being quite invasive. The Lantern Bearers chief duties would be to keep people away from these for plausible reasons. ---[X] These methods include warded and lead-lined chambers or tunnels, plant servitors immune to the powers of the mind, and mold-driven soulforged dead capable of grappling with the greatest of horrors. Should a coordinated assault of the city occur by the Deep Ones it will come from these vectors and the Lantern Bearers, while great for uncovering hidden threats and acting as a last line of defense, are not at this time equipped to handle the attrition from the kind of fighting that will involve. At least, not without greater levels of funding than Lord Baelor might be willing to commit to that force without compromising not only their reliability, credibility, but also trust. Most of the Lantern Bearers seem to be involved in the work out of deeply personal reasons, and most Lords do not seem willing to engage in the systematization of military service as Viserys is. ----[X] Coincidentally, including Purification systems throughout the sewer system would lead to cleaner, clearer waters, deal with any lead contaminants from outflows into the bay, and also curb attempts at biological warfare, though a similar system would have to be introduced into the drinking supplies. --[X] Secondly: You want to know about House Hightower and their allies' movements in the political arena. You will brief him on matters involving the Fey pacting with Lords for proper context. You have another group researching this right now and are determining the best way to deal with it. ---[X] This would be much easier, admittedly, if you could trust House Tyrell, but you would rather have a handful of prominent Lords you can rely on without question such as Lord Baelor and Lord Tarly. Even Lord Florent wouldn't do anything without your sayso, if not for altogether desirable reasons. --[X] Thirdly: You want to start to grapple with matters of Citadel politics soon, so learning more about what they have been up to, how factions align, and other useful information so you are not meddling with it blindly. ---[X] You have a well-placed contact within the Citadel through one of your guises, but that seems more of use to exploit as a social lever, if you want to have a reason to be in the Citadel and find time to talk to others within its halls, but you doubt you will get the opportunity to linger long enough to investigate anything of worth. A better reason to be in the Citadel, of greater status than mere acolyte who will be restricted in their travels, would be ideal. --[X] Lastly: You want to hear about the Faith and what objectives they have been pursuing. ---[X] Having the angle from both the Most Devout, the leading lay figures such as prominent brothers and sisters, as well as the High Septon, would be ideal, since those three all would have vastly different goals from each other. ----[X] Everyone else besides Richard will spread through the City and take on a different aspect of your interest in it and begin their own investigations. You expect to spend time raising relations with House Hightower for the better part of a day before evaluating what to focus on next month from what you learn here.