[X] You will drop Qyburn and your new vassal off in Old Town, you have other business in the city and do not mind the detour. -[X] The rest of the Reach group, besides Richard, accompanying Viserys this month will canvas the city to help learn information Viserys is interested in, involving that which is mentioned below. -[X] You wish to speak to Lord Baelor to get a read on the region for this month, House Hightower's own movements, and learn more of Citadel politics in general. -[X] Also understanding what the Faith has been doing would be easier from its political heart, which has not been King's Landing in some time for all the changing of crowns in the Great Sept of Baelor.| --[X] The Current Group, for this portion of the trip: Viserys, Ser Richard, Rhaella, The Seeker, Kira Windgraced, 2 Mind Dragons, 3 Furies, Danar & Alyssa Crowl
[X] Deliver Qyburn yourself, you have other business in the city and do not mind the taking him along. -[X] The rest of the Reach group, besides Richard, accompanying Viserys this month will canvas the city to help learn information Viserys is interested in, involving that which is mentioned below. -[X] You wish to speak to Lord Baelor to get a read on the region for this month, House Hightower's own movements, and learn more of Citadel politics in general. -[X] Also understanding what the Faith has been doing would be easier from its political heart, which has not been King's Landing in some time for all the changing of crowns in the Great Sept of Baelor.| -[X] Qyburn will be left to take care of his errands himself, with Osryx and whoever else he can pull with him as aid.