[X] Triumphant Emperor
-[X] Savior of the last of the Giants, just as you rescued the Children of the Forest.
-[X] Ferry them through Castle Black, meet with Lord Commander Mormont and get an update on the situation of the Night's Watch and the sorts of things they've been dealing with (political and supernatural) and how the overall Wildling evacuation is going, say hi to Maester Aemon, then return to Sorcerer's Deep with the Giants and your vassals in tow.
-[X] Give the Night's Watch three Banners of Restful Nights, 50 Healing Belts, 50 PfE Rings, 50 Muleback Cords, 20 Handy Haversacks, 20 pairs of Soulfire Bracers, 20 Earrings of Arcane Acuity, 5 Gravewatch Pendants, 20 Sending Stones, 50 Traveler's Any-Tools, 20 Launchers, 200 Alchemist's Fire Launcher Munitions (equivalent to 2,000 vials), 200 Heatstones, 500 doses of Antiplague, and 1,000 doses of Healing Salve.
-[X] See if it'd be possible for Aemon to visit Sorcerer's Deep for a bit.