Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on May 2, 2020 at 10:53 AM, finished with 64 posts and 7 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #384596
Post #384659


  • [X] Plan "We ain't afraid of no ghosts!"
    -[X] With Nirah and the Moonchaser
    --[X] The Moonchaser will use its Brilliant Barrier Projectors to attempt to hem in the Other Dragonlord and prevent it from escaping before the duration of its spell elapses while the two remaining Wyverns pepper it and it's Dragon with Force Bolts from maximum range.
    --[X] Nirah casts Assay Spell Resistance focused on the Other Dragonlord then waits for an opportunity to act. If the enemy's spell ends before it can escape, he targets it with a Sunburst spell followed by a Quickened Fireball spell as a Swift Action.
    -[X] At Thennhold
    --[X] Melisandre activates any caster level boosting gear she may have (such as a Bead of Karma), then casts Ghost Trap. This assumes she has already cast Battlemagic Perception, Life's Grace, True Seeing, and Undeath Ward upon herself while the group raced back to Thennhold.
    ---[X] She then casts Celestial Brilliance on something worn by the Mind Dragon assigned to her group. As the fastest flier, it will immediately move to respond to an incursion by the enemy. Wyla will accompany the Mind Dragon as a passenger and all three Heralds (the two assigned to Thennhold's defense plus the one which was working with Melisandre's group) will join them.
    ---[X] The Mind Dragon will cast Ancestral Awakening to temporarily learn the Transdimensional Spell Metamagic feat.
    --[X] Waymar, Xor, Mereth, Riz'Neth, and Melisandre will remain in the air over Thennhold, ready to join the Mind Dragon's rapid response group or to fend off an attack in a different location within the city.
    [X] Waymar's 1st Mythic Rank
    -[X] Mythic Feat: Mythic Spell Lore (Lightning Lance)
    -[X] Path: Archmage
    --[X] Mage Strike: As a Swift Action, you can expend one use of Mythic power to make one melee attack. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round. If you expend one arcane spell that you've prepared or arcane spell slot that you have available, you gain a bonus on the attack roll equal to double the spell's or slot's level, and the attack deals an additional 2d6 points of energy damage (your choice of Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire) per level of the spell or slot expended. The normal damage from this attack bypasses all Damage Reduction, but the energy damage is still affected by resistances and immunities.
    -[X] Path Abilities:
    --[X] Energy Conversion: Whenever you cast a spell with the Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire descriptor, you can expend one use of Mythic power to switch the energy type to a different one of those energy types. If the spell normally has its original energy type as a descriptor, it loses that descriptor and gains the new type as a descriptor. All other effects of the spell remain unchanged.