Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on May 1, 2020 at 9:24 AM, finished with 247 posts and 18 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #384131
Post #384377


  • [X] Plan Thennkirk
    -[X] Nirah (with anti-Other spell loadout detailed HERE) will return to Thennhold and wait until the Others make their play.
    --[X] In transit, Nirah will activate his Crown to increase his caster level 19 for the next 10 minutes, then he will begin casting the following spells in this order: Greater Hide from Undead, Undeath Ward, True Seeing, Life's Grace, Battlemagic Perception, Ghost Trap, Sign, Shield of Faith, Conviction, Snowsight, Entropic Shield, and Ironskin. This assumes he has already cast and is currently affected by Divine Insight, Venomfire, Wind Walk, and Nine Lives.
    ---[X] He will place a Celestial Brilliance spell in a strategically advantageous location upon reaching Thennhold.
    ---[X] Before battle is joined, he will cast Righteous Might, Divine Power, Sunbeam, and Caustic Blood, and he will try to protect as many of the defenders of Thennhold with a Mass Resist Energy (Cold) spell as he can.
    -[X] Nettles and Sheepstealer will accompany Nirah, avoiding engaging the Wyrmwraiths and Dread Wraiths in melee, instead peppering them with Fireballs, Magic Missiles, and arrows while evading enemy fliers.
    --[X] Nettles will cast the following spells in this order, sharing all relevant effects with Sheepstealer: Greater Invisibility, Dragonskin, Scintillating Scales, Mirror Image, Shield, Heart of Earth, Freedom of Movement, Protection from Arrows, Gravity Bow, and Greater Blink (reserve Greater Blink for immediately before engaging enemies)
    -[X] Each Moonchaser-class vessel beings using their Weather Control Stations to attempt to quell the unnatural blizzard. They will use their Brilliant Barrier Projectors to create Walls of Force (up to two per round per Moonchaser) to actively hinder the Incorporeal creatures sent by the Others while attempting to fire on them and any other hostile forces which become apparent. No Moonchaser is to allow an Incorporeal creature to approach close enough to risk being boarded.
    --[X] Each Moonchaser will take up position over one of the Ward Anchors.
    --[X] Each Wyvern pilot activates their craft's Energy Siege Shot enchantment to transform all bolts fired from their Launchers into Force Bolts (2 bolts per Wyvern per round, 4d6 damage per bolt). Three Wyverns will deploy to the airspace around each Ward Anchor and three will act to defend Thennhold.
    -[X] Two Heralds will move to defend each Ward Anchor and two will move defend to Thennhold.
    -[X] Danar and Alyssa Crowl, Velen, the twin Feylords, and the Hadhayosh will coordinate with the residents of Thennhold to defend the city until additional help arrives.