[X] Share the current political realities of your home, the pacts between Powers of the spheres and battles waged within them, the shadow wars fought right under the noses of those unprepared or unsuspecting of the changing world around them.
-[X] But also a broadly stroked explanation of the local polities and their relations, how far denizens in your plane have come in just a short span of years and the possibilities for ever greater, more complex and engaged societies of millions of thinking beings.
-[X] New concepts that even the Powers might not have considered given all of their might and ability to brute force solutions or lack of interest in compromising yields when they have so many great concerns and enemies, from the Abyss to the hosts of Gahenna and worse.
-[X] You glance meaningfully upwards at that, rather pointedly. All of those things would love to ruin that opportunity by making it more soulfire for their grindstones, wasted potential.
-[X] Such a shame that you disagree with them, no?