Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 11, 2020 at 12:08 PM, finished with 139 posts and 13 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #380690
Post #380828


  • [X] Extract a promise from him to meet again tomorrow. You know that there's a lot of things to process for him, so you will give him some time to calm down and think.
    -[X] Send Dany at night to figure out how to contact that Ulitharid, then wipe the memory of the visit.
    -[X] Meanwhile Viserys goes to Heaven's Shore to discuss the notion of rebelling Illithid with Ishmagnis.
    -[X] Meet with the Ulitharid to find out what they are doing and why.
    [X] Try to discover how to get into contact with the entities behind Sunset Shores
    -[X] Use Brain Spider and Probe Thoughts spells to extract all Lyan knows about Sunset Shores after rendering him unconscious, including who owns stakes in the company, which ships are owned directly or used by the company, who the captains of those ships are, etc., as well as any means he knows of to contact those truly behind the operations of Sunset Shores.
    --[X] When we return him to Greenshield, explain to Lyan just how much danger he and his family are in now, and that he best keep this meeting secret until we see him again. If he is contacted by his Sunset Shores handlers before we return to speak with him and his father, he should immediately tell them that we learned of his involvement with them and that we would consider meeting with them to establish a dialogue.
    --[X] If Danelle or Brandon objects to this, try to explain that we are trying to gather enough information to decide on a course of action, and right now we are far too ignorant. Everything we can learn is potentially helpful, and this route poses the least danger to Lyan and his family, at least in the short-term.
    -[X] Viserys, Richard, Lya, and Dany will travel to Heaven's Shore to arrange a meeting with Ishmagnis the Alhoon in hopes of learning all it is willing to share with us about internal Illithid politics, especially those such as itself who no longer pay heed to the power of an Elder Brain. Invite Brandon and Danelle along, if they think they can behave themselves in Heaven's Shore.
    -[X] Depending on what we learn from Lyan and Ishmagnis, we will determine our next step, either attempting to arrange a direct meeting with the Sunset Shores faction of Deep Ones or further investigating their dealings in order to discover more about their rebellion.