[X] Continue trading and open relations with the Court of Stars after politely refusing the offer of protection -[X] Before we depart, we will leave Lord Mullendore a Whispering Brazier to facilitate regular contact with Sorcerer's Deep, a Sending Stone and Plane Shift Charm (with instructions to reach Armun Kelisk) for emergencies, a Shadowforged Mind Blank to further protect his mind and ward against Divinations, and a trio of Lesser False Ravens along with one Greater False Raven to serve as spies and discrete messengers. We will also cast a Heal spell on him to help alleviate the rigors of age.
[X] Continue trading and open relations with the Court of Stars after politely refusing the offer of protection -[X] Before we depart, we will leave Lord Mullendore a Whispering Brazier to facilitate regular contact with Sorcerer's Deep, a Sending Stone and Plane Shift Charm (with instructions to reach Armun Kelisk) for emergencies, a Shadowforged Mind Blank to further protect his mind and ward against Divinations, and a trio of Lesser False Ravens along with one Greater False Raven to serve as spies and discrete messengers. We will also cast a Heal spell on him to help alleviate the rigors of age.
[X] Fey contracts
-[X] Allow the Fey to negotiate with mortals in your land but require two terms.
-[X] First all oaths with mortals must be submitted in writing (common) to the court within three days of the oath being taken. The oath must include the exact wording and all parties must be identified
-[X] Second any oath involving more than 10 years of servitude or the trading of souls must have the approval of the load of the land
-[X] Any volition of the two terms with free the mortal from all obligations to the oath and the fey must submit to a penance determined by the lord of the land.