[X] Cutting to the Heart
-[X] "My Lord, consider this... you aren't alone in this. Every single Lord and Lady in the Seven Kingdoms, and beyond it everyone I have worked to prepare for the tumult that magic's awakening would follow, has to contend with such threats, yet the message I have repeated to them is one by which we could all stand firm under. 'You are not alone'. That might seem trite and simple, but it isn't, it's the lever by which the world turns, that we are surrounded by things which wish us harm but we are also made strong by the collective work we have all put into safeguarding the world, from the very smallest acts of the loyal armsmen pursuing strangers in the dark with nothing but hearsay and tall tales to be their watchword, to the miller delivering the fruits of his craft in tax revenues unto his lord's keeping."
--[X] "There is a darkness in this land, not of the heart or mind but a real darkness. You know it as well as I do. And the world is not as it once was, nor will it ever be again. These are things that keep to that darkness, knowledge, secret and figment that can turn real in an instant and damn or slay a man, or worse. And for all of that, it isn't enough. We are winning in the East, slowly, steadily, with sure tread, and we are winning here. But it takes more than open scorn for stranger things for it to work. If we ignore the threats we face, mock them and disparage them, the people that trust us, the commons and the knights, the highborn and their vassals, they will do the same."
---[X] "Such... simple comforts are nothing more than a temporary balm on deeper, hidden ills. They will tear and bleed away at us like a canker. I cannot deal with all of these threats on my own, though I have been making good progress, and I don't expect anyone else to either. That would be ridiculous, it is why I have been making resources and counsel available to all who seek it, as a King should, but it is also why I have been standing at the forefront of such exchanges."
----[X] "More than a simple pledge, I have asked for trust. I hope to gain some measure of trust from you, my Lord, by the time this day is over. Let me seek out the source of what stymied you before. I will show you how I did it, and the reasonings for my actions. Nothing more I ask." And if he learns more of how to do it himself, all the better.