[X] Plan Exploiting Psychosis For Dummies
-[X] "My lord, the unparalleled Sultan of Brass wishes for nothing more then to see a scoundrel punished for vexing him. The Targaryen, who is your enemy too, has been a nuisance to his servants for too long." // Sticking with Efreeti "diplomacy" and stating some things everyone who has been anywhere near a planar city would know to remind them why this situation is perfectly sensible. Pay no attention to the dragon behind the curtain.
-[X] "What he pledges is a small measure of his wealth and favour, coin for arms and armor and the aid of some of his most loyal and prized servants. All he asks for in return is the island of Sorcerers Deep to be set ablaze for a thousand years and the souls of the false dragon, his sister, his thug and his whore. The forges always hunger for the souls of the unworthy." // Entirely reasonable terms for both sides, assuming they could trust each other. Also leaving an opening for them to latch onto to seek duplicity by implying, but not stating that Brassy would throw Viserys and his closest allies into the forges. This is a trap for Silvertongue to get paranoid about being hoodwinked.
-[X] In the extremely likely case that they want proof of our claims that they will get aid: "It just happens that my humble personage is counted among these most skilled and esteemed servants and given recent events I will gladly prove the value of my masters favour by aiding you in paying back the false dragons servants for their deeds. A Saan for a Saan sounds fair, does it not?" // Efreeti "diplomacy". Also couching our offer into the terms of vengeance, which should appeal to Maelys.
-[X] Continuation of the above: "My lesser servants have appraised me of the lay of the land in the ruin of Gogossos. A small group could easily infiltrate his stronghold beneath the ruins, slaughter his unprepared servants and claim the riches hoarded there. Maybe certain parties would be more inclined to me, if they saw me butchering their enemies. Would you accompany me, Lord Silvertongue?" // Bait. By provoking him again we shift attention from the important matter, which is this plan itself, to another spat between us. At the same time, the others will be less inclined to give credence to Silvertongues objections or read all too deeply into the matter, as we are obviously just two assholes sniping at each other. Also, more appealing to Maelys' sensibilities by couching things in terms of gratuitous murder.
-[X] Continued if Silvertongue refuses: "Maybe someone else of your number then. The Lord of Battle seems less prone to fear and you are clearly less then fond of him, so you would risk little of value if you were to buy into the baseless slander of my person. What say you, Lord Blackfyre?" // What we actually want. By directly addressing Maelys' ego, we make it less likely for him to listen to Silvertongues paranoid ramblings.
-[X] Accept any other constellation Maelys offers too. The important bit is to get one or two of them under the anti-divination wards of the Forge so that they can be incapitated and interrogated, or flipped to our side, without triggering Divination failsafes.