[X] Plan Angelic Interrupt -[X] Viserys uses the group's Telepathic Bond to hurriedly tell Tyene to cast a Quickened Greater Angelic Aspect spell and get within range of the possessed Shugenja. Waymar will Quickcast a Dimension Door to get her close enough, if necessary. The double-sized Magic Circle Against Evil effect will immediately purge the possessing mage from the Shugenja. -[X] Lya will use Celerity and Maze to temporarily shunt the possessed Shugenja out of our Plane of existence if Tyene and Waymar are not quick enough. -[X] Continue on with the plan to Earthquake the Golden Company safe house to hedge out the mages hiding within.
[X] Stop messing around and just capture them already -[X] Viserys casts Project Image, making the image appear somewhere hidden from view. If it's possible to use Miracle to make the Image look like a Luminary, he does so. The idea is to be able to intervene without revealing our position. -[X] Viserys uses his belt of battle to make the Image cast an Amber Sacrophagus (from another angle, of course, so that they don't know we were in that building all along). If that fails, Celerity and do it again. -[X] If that fails again, follow Goldfish's plan or something.