[X] Dragon Diplomacy -[X] Offer wealth --[X] Pay 300,000 IM for the services of 8,000 fully equipped Sea Trolls and 160 fully equipped Sea Troll Clerics for a single campaign against the Deep Ones ---[X] Offer to craft 5 AdvancedGiganteanBladeleafPlantbloodManta Rays (CR 6) for him to serve as transports and warbeasts for his Sea Trolls. -- 6,000 IM --[X] Request for Althazi to lead his troops himself in this campaign ---[X] Offer to craft 100 DraconicScraghounds (CR 4) to serve as support for his Sea Trolls. -- Total Cost: 60,000 IM --[X] Offer a Valyrian Steel weapon for whichever champion Althazi favors most ----[X] GRAND TOTAL COST: 366,000 IM -[X] This should be with the understanding that Althazi not infringe on our home plane after this transaction concludes, though he can visit if he chooses