Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 11, 2020 at 1:35 PM, finished with 70 posts and 10 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #365125
Post #365194


  • [X] Reinforcing the Reader
    -[X] Assign to Rodrik:
    --[X] 10 Rings of Protection from Evil, 10 Healing Belts, 10 Launchers, and 2 Crystal Masks of Detect Psionics to be distributed among his forces at his discretion, as well as a Sending Stone and Teleport Charm for emergencies. We can further provide him the services of our Mage-Smiths to produce minor enchanted arms and armor, as he needs.
    --[X] Supplement his Alchemical supplies with 200 flasks of Alchemist's Fire, 100 flasks of Liquid Ice, 100 Fungal Stun Vials, 100 doses of Sleep-Smoke, 400 doses of Healing Salve, 100 doses of Antiplague, 100 doses of Antitoxin, and 100 Auran Masks.
    --[X] Loan him the services of 1 Grand Dragon Turtle (CR 15), 2 Shadebreacher Sperm Whales (CR 12), 5 Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy (CR 8), 5 Advanced Plant-Imbued Sea Drake (CR 10), 10 Advanced Druid Creature Seaweed Leshy (CR 6), and 10 Advanced Plant-Imbued Orca (CR 8).
    ---[X] We will also assign to him 1 Warden Bio-Construct (CR 6, Information Gathering Variant Seeker), 1 Caretaker Bio-Construct (CR 4, Guardian Variant Seeker), and 1 Slayer Bio-Construct (CR 7, Assassin Variant Seeker) to serve as his personal guards. The Slayer can remain hidden from sight by always nearby, ready to strike against any creature that moves against Rodrik, the Warden can act as his eyes and ears, and the Caretaker as both his shield and escape route, should it prove necessary.
    --[X] Ask Maester Qyburn to make Rodrik aware of the Undead creatures he has assembled, explain their potential usefulness against the Deep Ones, especially their immunity to mental tampering, and inquire into whether he would be willing to employ any of them in defense of the Iron Isles. There are a great variety available, some of which can pass for human with little trouble (the Black Knights) or as less worrisome Constructs (Helmeted Spitters), and even those which cannot be easily disguised can be kept tucked away in caves or even hidden beneath the waves when they are not needed.
    --[X] We will transport those Undead he decides upon, if any, along with the other servitors we are assigning to his service, using the Imperial Demiplane and a pair of temporary portal Gates.
    -[X] Once the defenses of the Iron Isles are seen to properly, return to Sorcerer's Deep and continue investigating as previously voted on, restoring the corpses of the various Deep Ones involved in the Volmark incident so that we may extract what information we can from them via Speak with the Dead.