Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Dec 28, 2019 at 4:07 AM, finished with 74 posts and 22 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #362296
Post #362369


  • [X] Help Denys to build a temple in addition to the ritual (Cost 32,000 IM Total Cost)
    -[X] Have him try to write up the actual religious doctrine for his Faith when the insights come to him, it is important for legal reasons.
    -[X] An important detour in your schedule before you move on to the other activities: Discuss Dragon Law with Malarys, Zherys, Rhaella, Nettles, Valaena, Teana and Saenena. This will begin with a discussion of the Crimson Code in general, but only to set the tone for the rest of the discussion. Ultimately, from what you have gathered from associated details on Valyria, the Code only worked because of a mixture of Valyria having external enemies, the most influential Senators' holdings being most at risk to the sheer destruction such repeated civil wars would wreak, and the fact that a number of Syrax's original dark cabal had ensured Valyria's culture would be shaped to be fratricide averse. This is effective only in getting some of the future's most influential mages and warriors to not think of each other as their most important enemy, not sustainable in the long term, even though you imagine you won't run out of external enemies for quite a while, you have generally made a habit of not accepting "good enough" when it comes to those long term problems.
    -[X] This will cover regulations for dragon enclosures. A centralized stabling system would only be sustainable through a dizzying set of logistical feats that would probably impress even the Freehold, but its seems greater folly to not heavily regulate a system that resulted in treacherous agents from actively subverting access to the beasts and, you suspect, even poisoning Balerion, who definitely didn't die of old age or even of his wounds from Valyria. More importantly it would go a long way toward improving Imperial authority. Dragons are strategic resources, it is harder to protect them if they are scattered throughout the empire away from whatever guards and wards you eventually set up, and any housing for them outside of that should be temporary in nature. Better to head any problems here off at the pass. Will probably involve a distributed stabling system, making use of a few long-term locations set up similarly to Claw Isle, repeated in like on Dragonstone and other islands along the coast of your realm. Organized teleportation will eventually have to be used to allow riders to come and go to maintain bonds with their dragons no matter the distance they live from them.
    -[X] This will cover regulations for appropriate ages to hatch or tame dragons. The Valyrians seemed to have the right idea here, though. You wouldn't let someone as rash as Daemon or Aemond try to claim a full grown dragon from the young age they did, setting aside the concern they wouldn't be able to master the older wyrms' will, it just encourages the worst of preexisting tendencies in some given how the bond is soul deep.
    -[X] This will cover regulations regarding usage of Dragons. At its very essence, it's bad habit not to make it clear kinstrife will not be tolerated under any circumstances under Imperial Law, but you will honestly start accepting suggestions from the other people at this meeting for deciding the impetus behind the motion. You are somewhat more confident that in the future state where there are more than a handful of riders of mature dragons, the Imperial Navy will be an institution that no small number of aligned dragonlords will want to tangle with under any circumstances, but in the case of a full-scale conflict they mostly just present a barricade. Your skyships do possess the strategic advantage over riders in that they can outfly most dragons tactically and overland, but any sufficiently skilled mage will be able to move them around with translocation regardless, so the bigger concern then would be terror attacks. Eventually long-term emergency procedures for wide-scale attacks of this nature which mostly target heavily populated areas will have to be written and adopted, but that's a separate concern.
    -[X] This will cover regulations regarding egg distribution and creation of new Dragon Houses. Ultimately, each Dragonlord will be your direct client. The only people who should be granted eggs from stock a House already possesses is their own children and heirs, as they will inherit the same responsibilities and obligations. It is an executive privilege of yours to grant eggs or dragons to new Houses. Though it already seems to be a rare concern given the nature of how dangerous dragon taming can be without an extensive state apparatus or familial resources mitigating risks, if someone from outside these groups should eventually claim or hatch a dragon without permission from the Crown, it will be considered a capital offense of the most grievous nature, a preliminary hearing before the highest Court to determine the degree of guilt will be held, interrogations performed if it should prove systematic, and sentencing carried out by your own hand.
    -[X] This will cover this distinction in terminology between fleshcrafted Dragons of Valyria and True Dragons. You aren't particularly attached to the name you end up giving them, so long as no one makes the mistake of conflating the two, not out of any pride for yourself but for the fact that you have several intelligent dragons under your rule and would rather people associate the non-sentient variety with important military resources and hardware rather than pets. Privately, you don't think you can prevent significant attachments from forming between rider and beast but it isn't a good idea to allow for any ambiguity here. Firewyrms, Imperial Drakes, Greater Dragonbeasts. Whatever seems the best compromise to the pride of Dragonlords.
    [X] Help Denys to build a temple in addition to the ritual (Cost 32,000 IM Total Cost)
    [X] Help Denys to build a temple in addition to the ritual (Cost 32,000 IM)