[X] Contrive a way to meet the boy and 'incidentally' notice his magic -[X] Ask to speak to Denys. We are curious about the Mother Earth, from whom his power seems to originate. She is an ancient, nearly forgotten deity, one whom very little extant information remains. We are always on the lookout to establish friendly relations with benign deities. --[X] Try to maneuver Lothar so that he invites himself and Edric to attend this meeting, but if he proves difficult to guide in this manner, outright invite him and Edric. Denys being a Cleric of Mother Earth is relevant to both of them, not only due to the general beliefs about magic shared by many Westerosi, but also their dealings with the Lannisters and the implications of the boy paying homage to a god other than the Seven in a land where they nominally hold sway. ---[X] This should also give Edric an opportunity to share the nature of his own newfound magic.