[X] Approach the Mallery envoy to get a better impression of what Lothar Mallery expects -[X] If there is an Inquisition report pertaining to the envoy, use it to familiarize ourselves with the man and to learn what he's been up to in Sorcerer's Deep since arriving here. --[X] If his impression seems to have been favorable up to this point, seek him out directly and make an introduction. He's been sent here to ask questions and to learn of us and our realm, so perhaps he would like to hear the some answers directly from the Dragon's mouth, so to speak? --[X] If it seems the envoy has not formed a favorable impression during his time in Sorcerer's Deep, we will instead contact Edric Mallery via a Sending spell in order to arrange a meeting with him as our point of contact with the Mallerys.