Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Dec 22, 2019 at 7:04 AM, finished with 98 posts and 15 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #361126
Post #361223

  • 17

    [X] Crake
    [X] Goldfish
    [X] Try to arrange another meeting with Pol Qo's sister, then set up a means of staying contact should it be necessary. Also, point out that we think it is best that her influence settle into at least an equilibrium with Xue, who we try to delicately point out has had more time to entrench her position in the upper levels of court, and of course even if she isn't as adept in matters of social graces, is definitely canny enough to understand what we really mean, that she isn't as skilled at maneuvering in those circles without more grand shows of power and wisdom.
    -[X] To aid with this we use the most powerful magic in the world--Wealth By Level-o-Mancy. We can arrange her acquisition of enchanted totems, one of which could grant her a measure of a silver tongue, as well as some other odds and ends that might give her an edge over her rival.
    -[X] In exchange we seek not any token or favor which could become a conflict of interest within her own area of remit, just updates on efforts against enemies such as Tiamat and the like, so that other factors might better martial their efforts where they will be most effective, and when they will be most effective.
    [X] Try to arrange another meeting with Pol Qo's sister, then set up a means of staying in contact should it be necessary. Also, point out that we think it is best that her influence settle into at least an equilibrium with Xue, who we try to delicately point out has had more time to entrench her position in the upper levels of court, and of course even if she isn't as adept in matters of social graces, is definitely canny enough to understand what we really mean, that she isn't as skilled at maneuvering in those circles without more grand shows of power and wisdom.
    -[X] To aid with this we use the most powerful magic in the world--Wealth By Level-o-Mancy. We can arrange her acquisition of enchanted totems, one of which could grant her a measure of a silver tongue, as well as some other odds and ends that might give her an edge over her rival.
    -[X] In exchange we seek not any token or favor which could become a conflict of interest within her own area of remit, just updates on efforts against enemies such as Tiamat and the like, so that other factors might better martial their efforts where they will be most effective, and when they will be most effective.
    -[X] In addition, 'the Kami' could give her a "lead" to investigate several caches of lore hidden in the mountainous hinterlands nearby, not only further cementing her influence at court greatly but we can slip in numerous suitably 'aged' looking documents from various eras for authenticity containing lore that could have believably been written by some Eastern Scholar. Have Tyene and our Construct guides with the Fleet try to work out some convincing ones with details that could match their own corresponding timeframe of life.
    --[X] There are some texts we will have to give her that she will have to reveal as her own knowledge from trials and tribulations against darkness, like Rina's journals, but that in itself can be a benefit as it reveals she is not only recovering lost knowledge of dark powers but writing her own accounts as she encounters their marks upon the world.
    ---[X] Of course we need to offset all of the ominous texts with more positive ones sprinkled in, esoteric knowledge on the spheres perhaps, on trade and finance in the west for a town who's lifeblood is trade secured by a canny deal by herself with a visiting dignitary, and sets of texts on architecture and engineering purchased from a merchant venturer who had visited grand halls of stone glistening with a thousand thousand gems.
    ----[X] The shared lore regarding dark malignancy will generally be the same we shared with our loyalists, modified where appropriate for eastern sensibilities and as props. Given the provenance of them will have been Mindblanked, any attempts to call out their origins will be met with equal skepticism since they can't exactly point anyone towards where they might have come from instead. At best it will look like a weak attempt at halting Pol Ning An's rising star.
    [X] Have Aradia and Mereth look around the market searching for the following:
    -[X] Books on local history and traditions.
    -[X] Any other unique knowledge is a boon, even if not necessarily esoteric in nature, Yi Ti is a land with a well-established bureaucracy already and might have means to do math and accounting, or similar logistical things involving architecture and engineering, that would be of great value. You are most curious about paper production, and to be honest even acquiring several samples would allow you to attempt researching the most efficient means of wide-scale manufacturing for it, a boon to your administrative efforts, civil, militarily or otherwise.
    -[X] Lastly you are curious about Yi Ti's ways of prosecuting war, and until you crack open the Citadel's own archives you are starting to bleed Westeros and Essos dry of knowledge in that area.
    [X] Try to arrange another meeting with Pol Qo's sister, then set up a means of staying in contact should it be necessary. Also, point out that we think it is best that her influence settle into at least an equilibrium with Xue, who we try to delicately point out has had more time to entrench her position in the upper levels of court, and of course even if she isn't as adept in matters of social graces, is definitely canny enough to understand what we really mean, that she isn't as skilled at maneuvering in those circles without more grand shows of power and wisdom.
    -[X] To aid with this we use the most powerful magic in the world--Wealth By Level-o-Mancy. We can arrange her acquisition of enchanted totems, one of which could grant her a measure of a silver tongue, as well as some other odds and ends that might give her an edge over her rival.
    -[X] In exchange we seek not any token or favor which could become a conflict of interest within her own area of remit, just updates on efforts against enemies such as Tiamat and the like, so that other factors might better martial their efforts where they will be most effective, and when they will be most effective.
    -[X] In addition, 'the Kami' could give her a "lead" to investigate several caches of lore hidden in the mountainous hinterlands nearby, not only further cementing her influence at court greatly but we can slip in numerous suitably 'aged' looking documents from various eras for authenticity containing lore that could have believably been written by some Eastern Scholar. Have Tyene and our Construct guides with the Fleet try to work out some convincing ones with details that could match their own corresponding timeframe of life.
    --[X] There are some texts we will have to give her that she will have to reveal as her own knowledge from trials and tribulations against darkness, like Rina's journals, but that in itself can be a benefit as it reveals she is not only recovering lost knowledge of dark powers but writing her own accounts as she encounters their marks upon the world.
    ---[X] Of course we need to offset all of the ominous texts with more positive ones sprinkled in, esoteric knowledge on the spheres perhaps, on trade and finance in the west for a town who's lifeblood is trade secured by a canny deal by herself with a visiting dignitary, and sets of texts on architecture and engineering purchased from a merchant venturer who had visited grand halls of stone glistening with a thousand thousand gems.
    ----[X] The shared lore regarding dark malignancy will generally be the same we shared with our loyalists, modified where appropriate for eastern sensibilities and as props. Given the provenance of them will have been Mindblanked, any attempts to call out their origins will be met with equal skepticism since they can't exactly point anyone towards where they might have come from instead. At best it will look like a weak attempt at halting Pol Ning An's rising star.
    -----[X] Lastly, Corlys has certain contacts who could facilitate an ongoing deal to sell her things like Healing Salve, Antiplague and Antitoxin, Vermin Repellent as well as hangover cures, contraceptives and other mostly harmless but extremely useful products. If she inquires about military hardware, flatly tell her that unfortunately, there are dozens or more routine divinations being performed about trades like that being conducted ever since Wildfire was used in an attempt to burn down an infamous port, so it would probably be a Very Bad Idea to try moving large amounts of explosive, incendiary or other esoteric lethal poisons or substances out of the West.
    [X] Have Aradia and Mereth look around the market searching for the following:
    -[X] Books on local history and traditions.
    -[X] Any other unique knowledge is a boon, even if not necessarily esoteric in nature, Yi Ti is a land with a well-established bureaucracy already and might have means to do math and accounting, or similar logistical things involving architecture and engineering, that would be of great value. You are most curious about paper production, and to be honest even acquiring several samples would allow you to attempt researching the most efficient means of wide-scale manufacturing for it, a boon to your administrative efforts, civil, militarily or otherwise.
    -[X] In addition, you are curious about Yi Ti's ways of prosecuting war, and until you crack open the Citadel's own archives you are starting to bleed Westeros and Essos dry of knowledge in that area.
    --[X] Acquire a dozen zorses for the Imperial Stables as well.