[X] "Tell me honestly my Lord, was my reputation half a year ago so sterling as to make audiences such as this even half so lightly weighed? And even now the work of months has only eased the slander levied against me since the day I learned to weave more than a cantrip together, when my chief concerns were 'what horror will next come to kill or destroy all that I cherish'? Not thoughts of conquest or matters of state."
-[X] Shake your head sadly. "Foresight is an advantage sadly that both I and the Lannisters possess, for the reasoning I would outline now reveals my motivations seven months ago which as it always is in such matters, seem at opposite ends."
-[X] "I have taken time to give softly spoken counsel to those who were inclined to hear it, so that they might share it on with Lords who were less inclined to gossip, by letter or by their own diverging interests, or else spread the information through other means, as I'm sure you're already aware. Yet it was not just fear of retribution which might have made an appearance on Westerosi soil ill-advised, but sheer abounding ignorance of the world and what is out there for man to discover, both the good and the ill."
-[X] Passionately, you say, "Lord Roote, while my actions across the Riverlands kicked up a storm of recrimination, that lies faceted the underlying panic in any action I take publicly. I cannot so much as breathe in a public setting without it being reported back by the Master of Whispers, were I inclined to make such an appearance rather than wear a glamour that is. To say nothing of how stepping foot in King's Landing is all it would take to launch an armed rebellion without uttering a word. They hate the Lannisters there, and in the Riverlands the resentment is not much lesser."
-[X] Conceding this, you nod, "So then, ill-advised I spoke, and yet how else could I begin to erode the influence of my enemies, that I might begin working against the forces that truly endanger Westeros, the myriad horrors I've described in writ and exposed in deed? Believe me if you will my Lord, but I did not conjure sedition carelessly in these lands, rather say it was the natural course of the river flow."
-[X] "It is cause enough for them to punish those least deserving of it before an orderly transition of power can take place. Divination led Tywin to swiftly accuse you of incompetence and Hoster Tully to throw you to lions braying like sheep, and that was without your part in the matter being partially shrouded to future-sight by merely speaking to me."
-[X] "Better to have honestly said that you had no idea of my intentions at the time, not when there is already armed conflict here in the underbrush."
-[X] "Still, I apologize if I gave the impression I did not trust you to settle matters in the end, with all the pieces set in place and all the knowledge of the situation at hand. I saw a problem which could have turned into a danger, and as was often the case in my own realm I sought to swiftly fix it. I realize I do not yet in truth hold rule over these lands, but I still feel responsible for aiding the people who have been denied the means and methods to do so themselves."