[X] Offer it a new home, its dietary needs are manageable as long as it feeds by consent. There might even be a market for removing painful memories entirely. -[X] Explain that our home contains a vast salty ocean, much of it pleasantly warm, which might serve as a new home for Many-In-One and that there should be little issue providing it with memories, so long as it does not try to forcefully consume the memories of others, taking only what they wish to give. Should our home's waters not be sufficient to nourish Many-In-One, we will return it to the Plane of Water. --[X] As part of this arrangement, though, Many-In-One must inform us of its reproductive capacity and give us warning before it produces a new swarm so that arrangements can be made for it without straining the available "food" supply. --[X] When we return to Sorcerer's Deep, we will ask Alinor to assign someone to arrange a "home" space in the aquatic district for Many-In-One, along for feeding it in the form of a designated area where those who wish to forget something, be they painful, embarrassing, or merely inconvenient memories, can visit. ---[X] Using mundane workers, a set of Titan's Tools, and one of the Coral Growth Tools, they will build a stone and coral tower that is both above and below the water line on the edge of the aquatic district, which the Many-In-One can visit or even inhabit if they wish, while allowing citizens to visit safely and comfortably in order to interact with them.