[X] Deal with the weightier of Relath's grudges, a dragon's hoard would not go amiss and neither would more goodwill from the Lord of Tolos -[X] See if the dragon can be tracked through Discern Location or otherwise hunted down quickly. -[X] Remember to add another order of 12 Glass Golems from the Glassmaker's Guild with a total cost of 118,404 IM [X] Roger Level-up -[X] +1 Martial Rogue -[X] +1d6 HD -[X] Retraining: -2 Appraise, -2 Knowledge (Local), -[X] Skills: +4 Knowledge (Arcana), +3 Spellcraft -[X] Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper [X] Jeyne Level Up -[X] Class: +1 Psion -[X] Feat: Expanded Knowledge (Concealing Amorpha, Mind Thrust) --[X] Retrained: Speed of Thought >>> Expanded Knowledge (Astral Construct, Entangling Ectoplasm) -[X] Skills (6 points): +1 Autohypnnosis, +1 Concentration, +1 Psicraft, +3 Knowledge (Psionics), +4 Knowledge (Dungeoneering) --[X] Retrained (+4 points): -4 Craft (Weaving) -[X] Powers: --[X] 1st Level: Astral Construct, Entangling Ectoplasm, Mind Thrust ---[X] Retrained: Call to Mind >>> Detect Psionics --[X] 2nd Level: Concealing Amorpha --[X] 3rd Level: Energy Cone, Time Hop