[X] Clo'Tiss -[X] "Honored Wisdom, I will endeavor to keep my eye out for such a low-ambient zone of magic, though with all of the strange phenomenon I have witnessed effecting our Plane, to the sheer variance in these effects, you would likely have better luck chasing such leads in the Garden than waiting for rumors of uncommon deposits turning up where they are likely warded as they often are by hazards both mundane and not." -[X] Describe the duality of conceptual rivening of Fire effecting the wastes of the Lands of Long Summer, the Shadow that hangs above Asshai and how reality fades out the closer to the poles you near until it is less a matter of distance than will that one might advance or retreat across the twisting nether and ice. "I was of the understanding the Elemental Planes were given to follow certain rhythms if not necessarily ordered, ever-shifting unless the scales were tilted by a Power's finger pressing upon them. I also discovered some zones of wild magic in the Southlands--that is to say, near an equatorial range miles away from my realm, where the ruins of long lost civilizations are often marked by a variety of enchantments given over to the environment or vents for energies sprouting from the earth, air and water." Meaning no one is going to risk going into the wildlands here or anywhere else in the Inner Spheres without a good reason, but exploring the Plane of Balance wouldn't be particularly onerous for a mage of the Eighth or Ninth circle in all but the most deadly places, and they would need people equally skilled cooperating together to delve into them anyway. -[X] "However, if you are attempting to advance the cause of magical engineering and construct forging, I haven't met anyone more skilled at the task than those researching those fields in my realm." Describe the work of Lya and Anu. [X] Zamorto -[X] Lead the conversation toward how you are planning to place several or more Free Companies on retainer if possible to further your war in the Deep and carve out safe haven in the Narrow Sea for your vassals. Might need to ward the room prior to that if it's not already. -[X] The battles ahead on that front will likely have many different hard targets and masses of enemies where battlefield scale magic would see much practical use, and as is often the case when advancing a field which is just as much luck as it is skill, practical examples advances study more rapidly than anything else. -[X] And if it ends up killing Mind Flayers, Aboleths and other horrors, no one is likely to find more acceptable targets than that, especially for a Marid mage. -[X] If some targets to test his research on isn't enough enticement, we also have our own battlefield spells that might be of interest to him. If he lends his aid to our cause, the Hammer of the Waters is one spell which might be of immense use to him. [X] Wavespinner -[X] Encourage Relath to feel her out in private while you focus on the others before deciding on your approach. [X] Shara Level-up -[X] +1 Shadow Thief of Lys, oops, Amn -[X] +1d6 HD -[X] Skills: +2 Bluff, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Sense Motive, +2 Use Magic Device -[X] Feats: Darkstalker, Weapon Focus (Dagger)