[X] "As a start, I would find that most pleasing indeed. Perhaps after some exchanging of goods and works of culture, in time a branch of Astral Currents Stock Exchange might open its doors here in the City of Splendid Waves?"
-[X] "Of course, information on the current value and movements of trade goods all over my realm and my capital, as much as those sold in Armun Kelisk and Opaline Vault, would be of some value for those not fortunate not to possess their own network of informants and merchants themselves, the less fortunate... burghers, that is, might benefit greatly from merely that--but all would benefit greatly if the Council pondered upon the possibility of selling land for the opening of another Planar Terminus, to link all four cities together in truth."
-[X] "Ah, but of course, we have just discussed the possibility of drawing the flaming eye of particularly odious nature upon this fair city. Of course, rarely does a vast influx of wealth not accompany a commensurate increase in protections one might acquire, nor the influence thereby that might be wielded to... mutual benefit." You speak of continuing their game of playing the local powers off each other, and also leveraging them against your own foes.
--[X] You will have your Embassy near the heart of power as first suggested, and utilize Tritons as your emissaries, so that they might pursue their own goals and your own in twain, as where the Eternal Ocean is concerned they are of like mind.