[X] It is time to secure our hold on the Crownlands by enticing what remains of Jon Arryn's former faction and welding them to our own. -[X] Bring Rhaella, Rina and Ser Richard. -[X] We will begin with House Chyttering as the easiest, given their inclinations toward gaining Eastern contacts. -[X] Next we will try for House Mallery as a relative unknown. -[X] Then the shamed House Blount, still isolated given their recent missteps and loss of patron. -[X] Then we will investigate House Farring to see what can be made of the situation. -[X] If there is time, we will investigate the High Septon's faction and see if we can pull away Rambton and Sunglass. Ser Denys used to squire for a knight of the latter, perhaps he could put us into contact? --[X] We will also observe the results of our propaganda campaign firsthand.