Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 17, 2019 at 12:32 PM, finished with 45 posts and 8 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #342641
Post #342685


  • [X] Hello New Minion
    -[X] We want the Hooded Lord as our vassal to rule the Goblin Market in our name
    -[X] What we ask is that he heed our laws and follow all the other rules of being a vassal and a citizen, and should he come into the possession of secrets that are of interest to the Imperium (the movement of enemies, and nefarious plots, etc) he then pass it on to the Inquisition or directly to us depending on the severity.
    --[X] We have no problem with his current form of taxation (a small cut of every bargain in the Goblin Market), it's just that our taxation would be him passing along vital intel when it comes into his hands.
    --[X] We also want to make it so that it's not possible for mortals to accidentally wander into the Goblin Market, that they be guided back to Lys should they wish to leave, and that there be at least some regulations on unfair bargains from some of the Fey we encountered in our investigations. Nothing too stringent, those bargains will still be possible, but they must be informed decisions on the part of the mortals.
    -[X] What we offer is our aid should he ever need it, equipment for himself and his enforcers from our artificers, full legitimacy as a Lord under us, freedom to traverse the Imperium as a citizen and partake in the markets of Sorcerer's Deep and the Spheres beyond, etc.
    --[X] This includes a Calligraphy Wyrm, a Whispering Brazier, etc, everything the lords of the Imperium have.
    -[X] Further, ask if there is anything in particular he wants. If it's not too much it can probably be granted.
    -[X] As a side note, to help sweeten the deal, inform him that the Nameless Fey that has so troubled him has been dealt with. //OOC: Illustrates the use of having the Dragon King at your back.