[X] Ask about Boltons. Their house is said to go way, way back, and unsavory as some practices may be, you are more interested in knowing if you have to keep them and Old Gods away from each-other. [X] Ask about OGs ability to grow/create a vessel for a Wish/Miracle spell, not unlike the one Tiamat granted for Shadow Dragon... and how much would it cost/how long would it take. [X] Ask for his/OG's understanding on what would happen if: -[X] We attempt to sacrifice the king of the fey court. Would the Old Gods take control or would the court dissolve? -[X] We sacrifice a Lord of Hell to the Old Gods. [X] Ask OGs what other gods existed in the early age of man, other than the Storm Lord and Mother Earth. [X] Ask Bloodraven on the current state of affairs in Westeros - how things are going in King's Landing, Lannisters, Robert, reaction of the public to recent events, etc. -[X] Ask if he found any troublesome rumors about the rat-creatures we know to live beneath King's Landing. We left them in peace for now, since Inquisition had more important matters to attend to - but they are still an unknown element, and we wish to know if they are deserving of an immediate action. [X] Ask about the Giants that have been gathering aroudn the Fist of First Men - if he knows how close are they to deciding something, and what are they inclined to do exactly.