[X] Peace of Mind
-[X] "Without having the opportunity to see the results access to such arts grants, it is understandable to weigh the value of them as one might things like grain and gold, but given the abundance of the former by those same arts and the relatively rapid and assured devaluation of the latter with access to realms that have it in abundance, that just makes what has been produced thus far all the starker."
-[X] "Even in a city like Tyrosh the results can be seen plainly in its reconstruction and also the glut of trade in the docks, pulled in from half the world over and beyond by words that can travel from one piece of artifice to another like the Glass Candles of antiquity, but they take no strength of will or the shedding of blood to power. Magic is full of mystery and dark tale because of all of the monsters roving the edges of our perception preying upon our misconceptions as much as the powerful attempt to hoard its very capabilities as much as its benefits, so people will fear them and hesitate to act against them. I can think of few ways to make this more obvious than showing you the Sky Havens of Armun Kelisk or the jeweled majesty of the Opaline Vault first hand."
-[X] "In Sorcerer's Deep I could show you a thousand works that make the people prosperous and mine and my allies wealthy beyond comparison to even the likes of the Lannisters. But wealth or even glory is not what you would stake your House's future on."
-[X] "What problems ail or trouble you? Perhaps close friends or family would counsel you to seek aid elsewhere, and perhaps you might find aid with such matters, but I have not yet met someone in your position yet who would claim if a problem could only be solved using magic, there was anyone else with better access to it. Let that speak plainly of my message--if a Lord or Lady of the realm should require it, I would not be the miser only letting a trickle pour through as Tywin Lannister might imagine its use."
[X] Plan Usurper Bad, Dragon Good -[X] "My lady, make no mistake, we did not travel to Haystack Hall to buy your loyalty with magic trinkets or bottled miracles." --[X] "There are, of course, a number of advantages freely available to the citizens of my realm, from something so basic and mundane as free education for any willing to learn, to the more fantastical, such as the healing provided, again free of charge, to any who is sick or injured." ---[X] "Why, a significant number of citizens now living in Sorcerer's Deep, thousands of them in fact, were sent from Westeros by agents of the Crown. They came in ships barely worthy of the name, dangerously overloaded, half-starved and on the edge of dehydration. Those unfortunates were sent not only to die, but to spread disease and suffering in their wake. Instead, they were made well, healed of the sicknesses which plagued them, then welcomed into the Imperium." ----[X] "Robert Baratheon sent a fleet to destroy my city before I ever turned my eyes to retaking the Iron Throne. When that one did not succeed, he sent another, a plague fleet intended to bring us low where force of arms failed. That is the man you profess loyalty to, in your father's name, despite swearing no paths of your own." -----[X] "There are other advantages, I must admit, beyond the simple satisfaction of knowing you support a worthy king, rather than a lout of an Usurper." As we finish speaking, use our Greater Ribbon of Disguise to transform into a woman, one resembling our mother as she was in her early womanhood. "Much can be accomplished through magic, after all." Return to male form.