[X] "The former Toland heir--she is unlikely to get into much danger before the end of next year, yes? If she should prove amenable, and wishes to venture beyond the safety of Sunspear, send her onto Sorcerer's Deep where her 'wanderlust' can find proper patron.
-[X] "As for Uron, he may be removed. If the concern is to avoid scandal then revealing either his or the sister's misdeeds would be counterproductive, but removing a source for future wrongdoing could be used to warn the Lady that her chicanery has not gone unnoticed, and only goes on 'unchecked' with Sunspear's approval. The scandal would do equal harm to her as to you, after all."
-[X] "I would personally vouch to have the conspiracy be unraveled by mages renowned to be vastly more skilled than either Lady Toland or her pet enchanter instead, were I given leave to handle this on my own judgement, and pass sentence down upon her and him both as would be my remit as a Sorcerer and a King. I drafted a little set of legal codes forbidding the use of compulsion in contrivance of the law in order to make a more just society. While I am sure there might be one or two Lords of Dorne willing to forgive Lady Toland for not having read them, none shall be willing to gainsay a King. But as you are the one who brought this to me, the choice is yours to make."
-[X] "Also, I urge you to leave a stronger guard at the translocation passage and assert formal control over it in either case."
[X] "The former Toland heir--she is unlikely to get into much danger before the end of next year, yes? If she should prove amenable, and wishes to venture beyond the safety of Sunspear, send her onto Sorcerer's Deep where her 'wanderlust' can find proper patron.
-[X] "As for Uron, he may be removed. If the concern is to avoid scandal then revealing either his or the sister's misdeeds would be counterproductive, but removing a source for future wrongdoing could be used to warn the Lady that her chicanery has not gone unnoticed, and only goes on 'unchecked' with Sunspear's approval. The scandal would do equal harm to her as to you, after all."
-[X] "I would personally vouch to have the conspiracy be unraveled by mages renowned to be vastly more skilled than either Lady Toland or her pet enchanter instead, were I given leave to handle this on my own judgement, and pass sentence down upon her and him both as would be my remit as a Sorcerer and a King. I drafted a little set of legal codes forbidding the use of compulsion in contrivance of the law in order to make a more just society. While I am sure there might be one or two Lords of Dorne willing to forgive Lady Toland for not having read them, none shall be willing to gainsay a King. But as you are the one who brought this to me, the choice is yours to make."