[X] Oathkeeper Upgrade (Currently: +3 Enhancement, +1Searing Flame, w/+1 additional Enhancement bonus due to Valyrian Steel special nature) -[X] Enhancement Bonus: Increases to +5 --[X] Special Ability: +1 Magebane (This stacks with the wielder's Magebane effect, if any, and applies to any magic-wielding creature, whether their power is Arcane or Divine in nature.) --[X] Special Ability: +2 Wounding (Victims suffer 1 point of Constitution damage when struck by Oathkeeper. This is not multiplied on a Critical Hit, nor does it affect creatures immune to Critical Hits.) --[X] Special Ability: +3 Bodyfeeder (On a successful Critical Hit, Oathkeeper grants Temp HP to its wielder equal to the damage inflicted, lasting up to 10 minutes.) -[X] Special Powers: --[X] Bolstered Life (3/Day): Oathkeeper can cast False Life (1d10+10 Temp HP) or Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+10 HP) on its wielder as a Free Action. Upon killing a living creature with at least 5 HD, Oathkeeper can instead cast an EmpoweredMaximizedFalse Life (30 Temp HP) or EmpoweredMaximizedCure Moderate Wounds (39 HP) on its wielder. This effect is cast at 10th level, but cannot be Dispelled and functions within an Antimagic Field. --[X] Mage Bane (3/Day): On striking a creature which possesses spells or spell-like abilities, Oathkeeper can steal one use of an unused spell or spell-like ability of 4th level or lower (DC 20 Will save negates). Oathkeeper can then cast the stolen magic either on the wielder or release it as part of an attack as if it were a Spell Storing weapon. Caster Level and saving throw DC for the stolen spell are the same as if the spell was cast by the individual it was stolen from. -[X] Oathkeeper becomes a +5 SearingFlameWoundingMagebaneBodyfeeder Great Sword, an Intelligent Minor Artifact capable of functioning within an Antimagic Field.
[X] Oathkeeper Upgrade -[X] Enhancement Bonus: Increase to +5 (total +3) -[X] Special Ability: Searing Flame +0 -[X] Special Ability: +1 Magebane (stacks with wielder's Magebane, if any), and allows the effect to apply to any magic wielding creature, whether their power is Arcane or Divine in nature. -[X] Special Ability: +1 Fortuitous -[X] Special Ability: +2 Wounding -[X] Special Ability: +3 Cursespewing -[X] Special Powers: 3/Day --[X] Miser's Bane: KAPOOF --[X] Life Theft: The weapon gains the Wrathful Healing enchantment for 10 rounds, healing the wielder for half the damage inflicted by Oathkeeper, up to their maximum Hit Points. --[X] Mage Bane: On landing a critical hit on a creature with spells or spell-like abilities the sword can steal one use of an unused spell or spell-like ability of up to (Wielder's HD/2) level if the foe fails a Will save of (10 + Wielder's HD/2 + Wielder's BAB/2). The sword can either cast the spell on the wielder (including Self-only spells), release it as if was Spell Stored on it (regardless of spell level), or consume it for (spell level/3) more charges. --[X] Caster Level = Wielder's HD