Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on May 6, 2019 at 3:35 PM, finished with 118 posts and 17 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #306725
Post #306842


  • [X] In the Land of the Blind...Cast Remove Blindness
    -[X] "Not silly at all. Remember how careful we had to be with mother when she asked about the gods on our way South?" A link back to a discussion of similar things.
    -[X] "It is different, of course. Mother was not well treated by the Seven, and Maer is an Elder Septa, which made it easier for her to accept the reality we know is true. But in the end, I don't believe that the truth must turn her against us, or break the faith which makes her who she is."
    -[X] "We know that the Seven are not acting together in Westeros. If that was not the case, then their Chosen would be working together under their guidance. As Gods, they cannot not know the truth of the world, Dany, even if some try to hide from it. Maer, and maybe Danelle, could be a way for us to spare many from the vengeance the Old Gods cry out for."
    -[X] "As for the true shape of the world? We are already teaching it, and I don't intend to stop. Much of the power of the Faith will be stripped from them when we retake Westeros, and I do not intend to grant them a monopoly over teaching and charitable enterprise. I think one only need look to Sorcerer's Deep to see that." Reference to the schools and orphanages we've been building, and how we're education our population. Also a note to how certain powers will be centralised to the Imperium during our conquest.
    -[X] "Westeros will require a delicate hand, but the truth has a place here, too. You added some of it to her world tonight, sister, even if it was under the guise of another. Once that's there, it doesn't go away." We've seen people take a fragment of truth and leverage it into much more before. No need to assume that's a purely Essosi trait.
    -[X] "I, we, will do with those how follow the Seven what we have already begun to do with those who follow the Red God. Religion will always endure, gods grant power that we cannot simply deny. But with the spread of knowledge of what Gods truly are, and how they do not hold dominion over the souls of mortals, how they're seen will change. And as their congregation changes, so will they. It'll take time, but we have that." The final goal is faith in full understanding of what it means. That the rewards are true, yes, but they're offered by all gods. And as the nature of faith changes, which it can, so too will the Gods to which that faith is given.
    [X] In the Land of the Blind...Cast Remove Blindness