[X] "Do they not deserve one who will speak for them and be heard in southern courts? Do they not deserve one to counsel them against senseless bloodshed and revenge?"
-[X] "True, I have spilled much blood at the roots of their trees, yet it is the blood of winterborn and monsters, fiends and those that sold their souls to them. How many have you slain in Lucans service?"
-[X] "What would he do then, if he came to hold sway in the Vale and have the power to act in the North? I have little love for Rhllor the Red, yet I have not closed a single of his temples, instead raising one in the Deep greater then all others for the sake of those who follow him. Neither can I claim much love for the Seven, yet a great sept is being wrought in my name as we speak. Will Lucan do the same? Or will he do as in the old days and make kindling of the trees and built septs on the bones of those who do not kneel before his gods?"