Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 3, 2019 at 3:18 AM, finished with 179 posts and 13 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #296959
Post #297137


  • [X] Attempt to rescue Jeyne;
    -[X] Use multiple Divination spells, along with assistance from Vee's Hallucinogenic Smoke & Augury spells, to determine A) if it will be safe to temporarily wake Jeyne to warn her come back when we call for her, explaining that she will understand when the time is right (if it is safe, do so, if it is not, we'll have to chance it without warning her first), B) is what we plan to attempt possible, and C) would examining Roger decrease our odds of successfully freeing Jeyne.
    -[X] If the plan has a chance of succeeding, after fully preparing themselves (using Divine Insight, Grand Destiny, Nine Lives, etc.), the group attempts to draw Jeyne's soul and consciousness fully into the puppet body.
    -[X] Malarys will use the sympathetic connection the puppet body shares with her original body to curse Jeyne using the Staff of Ages, reducing her Constitution attribute to one point.
    --[X] Lya prepares Malarys to use the Staff of Ages first by activating her Bead of Karma to increase her Divine caster level to 20th, then casting Moment of Greatness and Harmonic Chorus on herself. She then cancels her Moment of Greatness spell to increase the caster level bonus from Harmonic Chorus to +4 while using Inspired Spell to place a 26th level Owl's Insight spell on Malarys, raising his Wisdom attribute to 39 and his Wisdom bonus to +14 (increasing the save DC of Bestow Greater Curse to 31). She places another Moment of Greatness and Harmonic Chorus spell on him before he completes the ritual, so that he can use them in conjunction with his own Bead of Karma to increase his caster level to 22.
    --[X] Timing it so that he completes the spell just as Malarys finishes cursing Jeyne's true body, Viserys uses Ancestral Awakening to learn the Maximize Spell Metamagic feat then casts a Maximized Nightmare spell using Wild Arcana to inflict 10 points of damage upon her, slaying her instantly.
    --[X] As the original body dies, Dany will simultaneously assist Lya in locating the Astral link shared between Jeyne and her flesh puppet so that she can use the full weight of her Mythic Power and deep understanding of the mysteries of the human soul to funnel Jeyne's liberated soul into the vacant puppet via Inspired Spell (nebulously borrowing from such Divine spells as Cyclic Reincarnation, Resurrection, Magic Jar, etc).
    --[X] Vee remains on standby to assist however she can, from providing additional Divine magic to the impromptu ritual to using Alter Fortune should it prove necessary.
    -[X] If successful, immediately return her to a Smoky Confinement bottle until a ritual to destroy her original body can be devised or we can receive Divine aid (from Yss, the Merling King, etc) to accomplish it.
    [X] Plan So Long And Thanks For The Psionics - Redux
    -[X] Prepare the body for a ritual akin to Soulbind, so that it takes in Jeynes soul when her original body dies.
    -[X] Check by Divination if her original body would survive the first check of Mummy Rot. If not proceed, else use @Goldfish plan.
    -[X] Use the sympathetic connection to her original body and the Greater Curse staff, in conjunction with Viserys and Lya throwing their full Mythic might behind it to curse Jeynes original body with Contagious Mummy Rot, DC and CL adjusted to Viserys levels.
    -[X] If you can conduct a 2 hour ritual and have both effects hit at the end of it simultaneously, also curse her CON to 1.
    [X] Before doing anything to rescue Jeynes, check Roger per the previous methods to make sure that by rescuing one we don't condemn another.