Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Mar 15, 2019 at 7:59 PM, finished with 405 posts and 16 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #290169
Post #290573


  • [X] LonelyWolf999
    [X] Privately promise her lands
    -[X] The political situation is still too much in flux to name names, but you were counting on landing Valaena in a region where her presence as a Dragonrider would serve to smooth over troubles.
    -[X] The current candidates you have in mind:
    --[X] The Midlands (former southern Riverlands)
    --[X] The Heartlands (border region between the Riverlands, Crownlands, Westerlands and Reach)
    --[X] New Ghis (it's a nice little island, fitting for a Velarion)
    [X] Talking to the Knights
    -[X] Have someone privately ask Ser Bonnifer Hasty if he wants to be granted some better gear or is comfortable with what he currently bares.
    -[X] Ask the Inquisition to give you a report on Ser Roger Hill.
    -[X] Personally meet with Darkstar. Downplay the importance of the joust and suggest earning glory in the best way he has available.
    -[X] Publically congratulate Ser Philip Foote for making it this far with dogshit gear and missing an eye. Ask if he wants us to fix that.
    -[X] Keep tabs on Halys Belmore and Vardis Sunderland in case they're looking for an opportunity to represent their houses.