Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 1, 2019 at 1:59 PM, finished with 208 posts and 13 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #284071
Post #284278


  • [X] Plan "Food for the Crows"
    -[X] Somewhat sardonically: "Something tells me things won't be that simple."
    -[X] Use a sending to contact her, to see if she would be interested in meeting her father, and whether or not she is feeling particularly vengeful due to her current circumstances. A vague explanation that you are in contact with her father preceding that should suffice.
    -[X] Depending on her answer, and the apparent urgency of her reply, pledge to take Mors Umber Beyond-the-Wall to see her/retrieve her.
    [X] Ask Mors if he would be okay to go there right now, it would require being turned to smoke and kept in a bottle for a few minutes, he shouldn't even notice the time passing until he's North.
    [X] Bottle Crowfood and, if they have an afternoon to spare, Waymar, Lya and Softstrider for the journey
    -[X] Insist that Umber swears not to start hostilities before we have talked over the entire situation with his daughter
    --[X] It is possible that her abductor is not here, since the Thenn rarely go south, or even if he is, Umber's daughter and grandchild may not want to see him gutted, so first we talk things over and then decide all together what to do
    [X] Treestride to the nearest Weirwood to the Thenn's Hall
    -[X] Sacrfice something of low value from the Larder for safe travel
    -[X] Enter and have a chat with the girl, deter attackers non-lethally.
    -[X] Find out about her situation and how she would feel about going back south (with her son if she wishes of course)
    [X] Offer him help getting to the Valley of the Thenns and recover his daughter so long as he swears to follow the lead of whatever negotiator you appoint