[X] First Case: The lady has clear and legal right to the inheritance and thus the estate. However, in recognition of the steward cooperating with the Legion and treating his slaves well while effectively administrating the estate independently for decades, we would request the lady to give him the chance to buy the property from her at a reasonable price, the Imperial Administration being able to offer a estimate for the market value of the estate. If he is willing to do this, the Iron Bank will certainly be willing to offer him a loan at a reasonable rate and if not, you have many positions in the realm where a man of his skill would be greatly appreciated. This does not in any way or form impact the noble titles of the widow or grant such to the steward. This is merely a property transaction.
[X] Second Case:
-[X] On magic: It is self-evident that Glyllo was not bespelled as he claims, thus he has no right to an annulment on that basis. The use of magic to improve the self is inherently no reprehensible act, not dissimilar form buying fancy clothing, using make-up or dying your hair. All of these things also change the way a person appears to others, yet no one would ask for an annulment for discovering a wrinkle or mole on his bride.
-[X] Ruling: While the bride had done nothing illegal and we see no hard evidence of malicious intent, the marriage was established with him not being fully aware of the circumstances. As Glyllo objects to it after learning of the truth, an annulment is granted.
-[X] For the future: The law will be amended so that before a marriage, both partners have to state all permanent or temporary magical effects they possess. Failure to do so is a valid reason for an annulment, though not in of itself a crime. It can be however used as evidence to prove malicious intent and fraud, if other evidence of such is present.
[X] Septon: "I take it then that you do not agree with the High Septon, for he has crowned the Ursuper in the name of your gods. I have heard from many Septons many different things. Some decry all magic as fiendish work, others even going so far as wishing to bring back the Faith Militant and seeking to put a High Septon on the Iron Throne to spreed the faith with the blade. Before I answer your question Septon, answer mine. What is it that you believe?"
[X] Side with the lady, the law must be upheld not only for principle but because the decision will further reassure the remaining aristocracy of the Three Daughters
[X] Find in favor of lady Nesora, she was legally wed and therefore the arrangement can only be settled with divorce
[X] Side with the lady, the law must be upheld not only for principle but because the decision will further reassure the remaining aristocracy of the Three Daughters -[X] However, the steward has shown his ability through his management of the estate. See if you have a position in mind which could use someone of his caliber, and which he would also be willing to accept.
[X] First Case: The lady has clear and legal right to the inheritance and thus the estate. However, the steward made a good case for his work and that the estate was gravely neglected by previous owners, so he will receive the right to buy the estate from her at the market value, as determined by the office of taxation of the Imperial Administration. If he is willing to do this, the Iron Bank will certainly be willing to offer him a loan at a reasonable rate and if not, you have many positions in the realm where a man of his skill would be greatly appreciated. This does not in any way or form impact the noble titles of the widow or grant such to the steward. This is merely a property transaction. [X] Find in favor of lady Nesora, she was legally wed and therefore the arrangement can only be settled with divorce
[X] Septon: "I take it then that you do not agree with the High Septon, for he has crowned the Ursuper in the name of your gods. I have heard from many Septons many different things. Some decry all magic as fiendish work, others even going so far as wishing to bring back the Faith Militant and seeking to put a High Septon on the Iron Throne to spreed the faith with the blade. Before I answer your question Septon, answer mine. What is it that you believe?"
[X] First Case: The lady has clear and legal right to the inheritance and thus the estate. However, in recognition of the steward cooperating with the Legion and treating his slaves well while effectively administrating the estate independently for decades, we would request the lady to give him the chance to buy the property from her at a reasonable price, the Imperial Administration being able to offer a estimate for the market value of the estate. If he is willing to do this, the Iron Bank will certainly be willing to offer him a loan at a reasonable rate and if not, you have many positions in the realm where a man of his skill would be greatly appreciated. This does not in any way or form impact the noble titles of the widow or grant such to the steward. This is merely a property transaction.
[X] Second Case:
-[X] On magic: It is self-evident that Glyllo was not bespelled as he claims, thus he has no right to an annulment on that basis. The use of magic to improve the self is inherently no reprehensible act, not dissimilar form buying fancy clothing, using make-up or dying your hair. All of these things also change the way a person appears to others, yet no one would ask for an annulment for discovering a wrinkle or mole on his bride.
-[X] For the future: The law will be amended so that before a marriage, both partners have to state all permanent or temporary magical effects they possess. Failure to do so is a valid reason for an annulment, though not in of itself a crime. It can be however used as evidence to prove malicious intent and fraud, if other evidence of such is present.
[X] Septon: "I take it then that you do not agree with the High Septon, for he has crowned the Ursuper in the name of your gods. I have heard from many Septons many different things. Some decry all magic as fiendish work, others even going so far as wishing to bring back the Faith Militant and seeking to put a High Septon on the Iron Throne to spreed the faith with the blade. Before I answer your question Septon, answer mine. What is it that you believe?"