Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Dec 25, 2018 at 2:14 PM, finished with 191 posts and 21 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #257417
Post #257607


  • [X] Death in Winter
    -[X] "Magic has awakened everywhere, my lord. The Fey, while not harmless by any measure, do not seek the death of all that breathes. There are creatures beyond the wall that do, and even now they prepare for the coming of Winter." Building from the same place that he understands, connecting the Fae to the Others in ideal.
    -[X] "I do not speak of tales in this, I speak of the reasons for which the Wall was built and the Night Watch founded. I have fought those creatures in the North, creatures of undeath and corrupted Fae magic. Without my presence, White Harbour might well be a ruin. Back ourselves up, with connection to Whiteharbour so that he can check if wants to.
    -[X] "This is not a threat that can be parlayed with, only to be fought by every living being that wishes to survive on this world. If you do not believe me," this is not a judging statement, simply advice, "ask Dusk-Dancer of the Long Night and those who came from the North to bring it down upon the world." More foundational work.
    -[X] "So as any who cares for the peoples of Westeros, I have acted to secure them from what I see as the most lethal of all threats rising to strike them down. To do that, I must support the Night's Watch, and there are limits to what I can do in that without at least the acceptance of Lord Stark. But aid was needed, aid that I could not see coming from any other place, and so it was given." Our agreement with Lord Stark allows us to support the Watch, which is part of his domain. Nothing more.
    -[X] "I have done as much in the Crownlands and Vale against those truly hellish foes, and in other places too in battle against other foes of mankind. Again, aid was needed, and with none offering it, I could do little less than act. As close as we can get to pointing out that the Crown has done basically nothing to secure Westeros against supernatural threats. Yes, it does matter.
    -[X] "The Reach has needed my attention least so far, both because your most local supernatural entities are rarely accommodating of guests seeking to take what they see as theirs. And you have your own heroes too, in the Green Knight and those who protect Oldtown." This is phrased as a compliment, but there's an edge to it. The Fae might have helped keep the Reach safe, but they never give anything freely.
    -[X] "I'm not trying to reward people right now. I'm trying to ensure that the Seven Kingdoms can continue to exist."
    -[X] "If you wish, my Lord, I could show you proof of this. My realm is but a heartbeat away if you would trust my word to keep to responsibilities of a host as you have done for myself, and there is much there that could prove my words more than any oath might." Get him to come see what we've created and why. If he asks for our word of safe passage, we will give it.
    [X] The Fey offered you your son. The old gods offered me my mother. Others things have happened since that has cemented my original bargain with the old gods but in the beginning it was simple they gave me back my mother.
    [X] Death in Winter
    [X] Sit him down, ironically pour him a stiff drink, and explain the Ice Zombie apocalypse. Get him a copy of Rina's book. You are diplomancing the North because it's hily beneficial that the North be intact for the Long Night.
    -[X] We have not forgotten that the Reach answered the call to arms. We are merely disappointed that the ones who Rose highest under the dragon banner chose to wield their loyal bannermen as they did.
    --[X] Everyone is inherently failable. Genuinely misinterpreting one's duty can happen, and is forgivable. Willfully doing so, however, is treason. We are still pondering if the Tyrell's undecisiviness was genuine failure or willfull treason, if he catches our drift. It's not as if we've hidden where one might find us to present allegiance and explain themselves, either.
    -[X] "I have done as much in the Crownlands and Vale against those truly hellish foes, and in other places too in battle against other foes of mankind. Again, aid was needed, and with none offering it, I could do little less than act. As close as we can get to pointing out that the Crown has done basically nothing to secure Westeros against supernatural threats. Yes, it does matter.