[X] Plan Reason and Steel
-[X] "That depends entirely on what it would mean for you to be awakened in full. I have heard stories of the Fae, I have seen them work their wills upon the world, have made bargains with their kind and been called on more than once to defend those who cannot do so for themselves from their advances." The intent here is to make it very clear that we know of the full, often capricious nature of the Fae. We have been ally to some, enemy to others, and that they were dreaming or no changes nothing.
-[X] "You say that with this crown returned, your Lord could be awakened. That his presence would root you in the world, and help you understand what it has become. How would that aid the people of the Reach? Would it defend them from the nature of the darkling creatures that are as much a part of any Court as you? You would not have come so far only to be bound more tightly to your words." I know you're speaking the truth and I also know you're obscuring parts of it. If you want something from me here, do more of the first and less of the last.
-[X] "If the Crown was to be returned, how would the Lord's presence change your Court from how it is now. Would it bind you closer to the laws of the people of the land, not yours, but theirs? Would it make you stronger in the world, to enforce your own? You offer words, Lady, but they are without substance." More of the above.
-[X] "These are my waters. What lies within them is mine too, by right and custom. If you wish to return with what you say is yours, then I would have answers of you before I make any bargains to see it done. It is a fool who makes deals without knowing the value of what is held and offered in return." Law of the sea and waters, these are ours. If you want what is within them, we're willing to talk, but not without truth between us.