Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 27, 2018 at 10:22 AM, finished with 125 posts and 19 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #230807
Post #230931


  • [X] Plan "Join me."
    -[X] "I did not mean to draw lines, for these matters are indeed far more interwoven then many realize. However..." Leave a small pause and smile at her. "The order in which you answered my questions belays just as much as the order in which I asked them." // Allowing a small glimpse at our motivations to build more familiarity. Also states to her that we value pure power more then an office. Kings can be toppled. But who is going to challenge those who stand among the gods as equals?
    -[X] "Myr would prosper under your rule, of that I have no doubt, though there is one matter that is a bit more thorny. The guild wields both coin and magic to a degree that none can match within the city and it has no sole master who could seize the throne without risking a civil war. It might not happen immediately and surely, the other leaders of the guild would proclaim their full support for your ambitions. For now. Though give them time to plot, their ruler too burdened by the demands of lordship to keep close eyes on their doings in the guild..." // We are offering her the post as Archon here. Then we go straight to the core of the matter, namely that the guild has gotten too powerful and is a risk for whoever holds that post.
    -[X] "Do not get me wrong, I do not wish to imply that the guild must be broken or dismantled. I merely see that it will need oversight, lest it's might becomes a source of instability, and I know all too well that the guild would have little love for the idea of surrendering their oversight over matters arcane to another institution. Though there are also many benefits it could gain, were it to return it's full attention on matters of trade and artifice." // After priming her to consider the guild a potential liability to her continued rule, something she considers important as per stating she wishes for her descendants to sit on a throne too, we blunt the implication from "removal" to "oversight". After painting them as potential traitors, this is a very mild measure.
    -[X] "For one, the exchange of knowledge would go both ways and I can assure you that I have amassed enough lore that the guild will hardly feel robbed after seeing what the mages they employ can learn at the Scholarium. It will also be uniquely situated to take advantage of quite a bit of it. My coffers are full and as the rumors might imply, I have a tendency to spend rather large sums on some of my projects. Something I could do freely if I knew the guild to not hold ambitions beyond coin. The other matter is that I have struck an alliance just a few days ago that would make it considerably easier to acquire materials, both arcane and mundane, and for rather low prices at that." Explain the Concord of the Spheres here. // Here is the carrot for the guild she can wave. They submit to the Scholarium and give up direct control over their mages, but in return, they can get more skilled people to hire, get considered for government contracts and get access to planar markets. On the flip-side, this is a threat and a pretty big one. We are allied with people vastly more powerful then them and by stating what we are after, they also know how things will go in case we can't reach a amicable agreement.