Vote tally - A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Sep 9, 2018 at 2:59 AM, finished with 180 posts and 28 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Post #224726
Post #224905


  • [X] "Are we not all more than we appear to be at first glance, Wisdom?"
    -[X] As we answer, gradually return to human form, timing it so that we become fully human just as we finish speaking.
    --[X] "Of course, there is a story to be told, one that is all the more fantastical for being the unvarnished truth. That tale won't be told quite yet, however, as I find myself...curious. What is it that you truly seek, that you would pit yourselves against foes such as these, when the Efreeti ships plying the Boiling Sea make such easy targets of themselves?"
    [X] Plan Cast A Hook
    -[X] "Should not all strive to be more then they are?"
    -[X] "You have seen my shape and assumed to know who I am, just a greedy, preening dragon. But know that I am more then scales and flame."
    -[X] Transform into your human shape.
    -[X] "Though I am afraid that I do not gift all my secrets to just anyone."
    [X] "A bold question, but of course, we are all more than we appear dont you agree?"
    -[X] "In any case, when asking for someone's secrets, its always polite yo offer your own, perhaps you can now tell me why we are really here? What do you want with this prisoner, and why would a group of pirates risk bringing a red dragon of all things to their prize?"
    -[X] "But to answer your question, does the name "Valyria" mean anything to you?"