[X] Plan Testing the Waters
-[X] "A laudable goal, maybe even a necessary one, though that raises the question of how far you want to pursue it."
-[X] "Do you just wish to end 'bondsmanship' in Pentos or take the city wholesale?"
-[X] "I have been there a few times in the past months and what I found is worrisome for different reasons. One of the magisters, Illyrio Morpatis, had begun to amass magical lore for unknown purposes and allied himself to the servants of a dark goddess in the process. Furthermore, I slew a mage that had worked for other magisters, creating monstrosities out of the innocent and imprisoning fell beasts to draw upon their powers. A limited war will likely cause the magisters to deploy whatever nightmares they managed to amass by such deeds or drive them to ever further into depravity to take revenge."
-[X] "We reap the terrible harvest of our past in these days. Every pit that had been allowed to fester in peace is turning into a threat far beyond what we could have ever imagined in the years past."
-[X] "Would Braavos have the troops, money and conviction to see the deed done? My aid can only go so far and my Legion still marches on their stomachs and the coins that keep them filled."
-[X] "Please do not take this as an attempt of extortion, but these things need to be considered. The calculus is easier when I know that the treasuries and granaries of the place I take will be mine to command afterwards. To expend strength in this fashion might cost us too much to face the other threats looming ever closer."
-[X] "But perhaps these are the wrong questions to ask, when we clearly need to speak about other things to fully appreciate the impact of the matter. Your words show that you have little illusions of the fate of the remaining two daughters in the months to come, but that raises the questions where my realm and Braavos stand with each other afterwards."
-[X] "What are your goals for the future?"
[X] No problem with it, just make clear that leaving any foe in this new world time and no good options can lead to them choosing darker ways, so quick and decisive action is necessary, if action is taken at all
-[X] Otherwise agree with the idea.